Science Success Guide After 12th (E-Book): 100+ Futuristic Career Options

Science Success Guide after 12th: According to oxford dictionary Science refers to ‘knowledge about structure as well as the behaviour of the natural and physical world. Moreover, it is based on proven facts’. This definition in itself says that opting for science brings many career options available to students at their doorstep.

In today’s world students are the key holders in deciding about the career field they wish to pursue after 12th. Gone are the days when parents answered the question for us that, puzzled about career after 12th?

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Science Success Guide after 12th

To help students get an answer and explore the world to know about courses and career options after 12th, we bring to you a brief article on Science stream trends.

Medical Courses

Students who had opted for PCB i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Biology in their class 12th are capable to opt for the medical line after completion of class 12th. This is considered to be one of the most promising fields because of a wide range of courses available in this field.

  • MBBS- Bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery
  • BDS- Bachelor of dentist surgery
  • BMLT- Bachelor of medical lab & technology
  • BAMS- Bachelor of Ayurveda medicine and surgery
  • BHMS- Bachelor of homoeopathic medicine and surgery
  • BUMS- Bachelor of Unani medicine and surgery
  • BNYS- Bachelor of neuropathy and yoga
  • BVSc & AH- Bachelor of veterinary science and animal husbandry

Not only medical provides one with a wide range of courses but also promising job opportunities. One can dream of becoming a surgeon, cardiologist, physician, gynaecologist, nurse, pharmacists, and many more options. This is considered to be one of the most important jobs in the world because a doctor saves a value thing i.e. the life of a living creature.

Engineering Courses

When we hear of the word science the first career option that strikes every mind is Engineering. Some of the most prominent courses available in this field are:

  • BTech. CSE- Computer science and engineering
  • ECE- Electronics engineering
  • BTech. Mechanical engineering
  • BTech. Chemical engineering
  • BTech. Civil engineering
  • BTech. Aeronautical engineering
  • BTech. Nuclear science and engineering
  • BTech. Petrochemical engineering

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A job of an engineer is one among the highest paying jobs in the world. With money, it also provides with the opportunity for an individual to grow. Due to the capability of an engineer to invent new things, their job is always in demand in society. Every facility that we all yearn today and can’t imagine our lives without them, like cars, phones, watch, etc., are all innovations out of an engineer mind.

Vocational Courses

Other than medical and engineering field one can opt for other programs as well. Some of the vocational courses are mentioned below:

These are few, but the list goes on. These courses help an individual to grab a hand on practical knowledge about the field-specific work along with theoretical knowledge in that particular field. These courses help to make students job-ready as soon as they complete it.

Diploma Courses

Nowadays various educational institutions, as well as colleges, provide with a written deed to an individual for completion of a particular course. Such deed is known as a diploma in that field. Top diploma courses for the science-specific field are mentioned below.

  • Diploma in nursing
  • Diploma in nutrition and dietitian
  • Diploma in civil engineer
  • Diploma in web designing
  • Diploma in information technology
  • Diploma in textile designing
  • Diploma in Computer Engineering
  • Diploma in interior designing

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An individual can achieve a diploma degree in 1-2 years and therefore it is becoming a new trend among youngsters to opt for a diploma in specified fields.

Hard work and dedication can lead to doors to success. And the path of success has to be chosen wisely. If still puzzled about career after 12th then have a look at our E-Book (Science Success Guide after 12th) for further guidance.

Science Success Guide after 12th: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the duration of engineering program?

Generally engineering program is of 4 years.

  • What is the scope of IOT courses?

Due to increasing technology, IOT courses are in great demand nowadays.

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  • What all contents are there in Science Success Guide After 12th Ebook?

Chapter One: 5 Things to Know Before you Choose your Career

Chapter Two: Look into the Future: List of 100+ Courses

Chapter Three: Top 11 Highly Paid Courses and their Eligibility

Chapter Four: Best 100 Colleges And Institutes in India and Abroad for Science Students

Chapter Five: Design your Career Own Self