7 Best Productivity Tips For Students: Stop Procrastinating

Productivity Tips For Students: Students’ life can be described by loads and loads of assignments, exams, notes, hectic and jam-packed schedules, and the constant pressure of scoring the highest grades and glorifying the mark sheets as much as possible. Seems the most difficult time to manoeuvre? Ever- thought about how student life can be simplified and made productive too? Here we are with some tips and tricks that will help you accomplish each goal with zero hassle!

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    7 Best Productivity Tips For Students

    Productivity Tips For Students
    src: times higher education

    Productivity Tips For Students #1: Set A Time-Table

    This is one of the best ways to be organized and manage your time productively and efficiently. A timetable will help you manage all your tasks, including project deadlines, assignment submissions, etc. with utmost ease, within the stipulated time. Create a timetable for yourself, but make sure that the timetable is practical enough to be followed. A timetable without any breaks and continuous slots of difficult tasks would be just lying on your study table, but you wouldn’t be able to follow it! An ideal timetable should have proper breaks between working slots and should be balanced with difficult and easy tasks scheduled in a day. Be creative and make large and colourful timetables for your study room!

    Productivity Tips For Students #2: Get Set Run

    As much as meeting deadlines is important so is exercising important. An unhealthy body can never be productive. Hence, it is very important for each student, to spare time for exercising. You can take a quick walk around the colony and breathe in some fresh air, after continuous hours of studying, or you can play basketball or badminton, or just take a run in the park. Exercising helps to release all kinds of stress and boosts your energy levels manifold, it increases blood circulation in the brain which improves your brain health and memory. Hence, do take 30 minutes to an hour out for stepping out in fresh air!

    Productivity Tips For Students #3: Prioritize Your Tasks

    You will surely have a pile of tasks and deadlines approaching, but prioritizing the important tasks over the less important ones would assist you to sort all your tasks with perfection. Highlight the urgent tasks in your timetable, and aim to complete them within a stipulated period. Once you finish, then move to the less important ones, and this way you will achieve all your deadlines efficiently.

    Productivity Tips For Students #4: Follow A Healthy Routine

    A healthy body is home to a healthy mind. Therefore, students must follow a strict and healthy routine. This is possible only when students reduce their screen time. Presently, we tend to spend most of our time watching movies and web series all through the night and hence wake up only after mid-day, which leaves us with less time to accomplish our tasks. To break this vicious cycle, one must reduce the excess of screen time and practice going early to bed. Along with a healthy sleep cycle, one must also follow a healthy diet to ensure a healthy body. Once, we ensure this, our mind will automatically run as fast as a flash!

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    Productivity Tips For Students #5: Writing Is The Best Policy

    We all agree that in the era of technology and digitization, the practice of writing on paper and taking notes has faded away. To remember and memorize anything flawlessly, writing is the best way. Once you write and take notes on any given topic, it remains fixed in your memory and can be repeated at any given time, without difficulty. Take small, colourful, and creat8ive notebooks or notepads and get into the habit of making notes and writing down important points. You can use your own shorthand language to create notes, that are easy to comprehend. This one practice will lead you to success effortlessly!

    Productivity Tips For Students #6: Take Out Time For Doing What You Enjoy The Most

    Among following strict routines, and completing all the work assigned, our heart longs for doing things that it loves the most. It is important to follow your heart to remain happy. Take out some time in your day for pursuing your hobbies. Be it, dancing, singing, painting, reading novels, or writing, do invest your time in them. This will ensure that you feel happy and positive, and this positivity leads to productive work. It becomes important for students to remain relaxed and happy to ace each goal and be successful. A stressed and uncalm mind is never productive. Therefore, give equal importance to your hobby list too!

    Productivity Tips For Students #7: If Stuck, Do Ask For Guidance

    Finally, in this process of becoming an inspirational student, if you feel lost at times, or find yourself in a confused state, don’t be stressed about it. It’s absolutely normal! As Richard Branson quoted, “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” Be ready to accept your shortcomings or failures and be open to discuss them with your parents, siblings, or elders, who will guide you in the right direction. With guidance, one can easily detect solutions to one’s lapses and work towards rectifying them and coming out triumphant!

    Student life is a gem of a period and must be made as productive as possible to achieve success in all future endeavours. We hope that these small tips and tricks will help you sort all kinds of pressures and stress and will help you turn into a productive and vivacious student.