10 Study Hacks And Tips For Students: Time To Win!
Study hacks and tips: Studying does not need to be hard for college-aged students, it should be smart and effective. This is a collection of study tips and hacks that will help students find new study methods, memorize faster, revise for exams easier.
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10 Study Hacks And Tips

Here are some efficacious and potent methods to increase focus:-
Beating up procrastination
The best way is the Pomodoro Technique, which helps keep your attention on a task for 25 minutes or longer as a student’s appetite and reminds you to take a short break for 5 minutes.
Using your cell phone is not recharging the brain during 5-minute breaks, and it has negative effects on the physical health and psychological health of Indian adolescents.
Wobble between different tasks can reduce your concentration, but task-switching can be useful for students for creative work and it will help you broaden your awareness.
Keep away from your digital device while learning something as possible or just turn off your social media apps and notifications while studying by this you can reach deep focus
Having a ready-to-resume plan for inevitable interruption can be as simple as strat from where to left. It provides stimulation closer to the brain and allows you to switch focus without being distracted.
Be unstuck
A Siesta, or doing nothing, is a good way to take a break. A cup of tea or coffee, not in excess, or going for a short walk is also great.
When you focus on a single activity, it’s called a “focused mode like writing or drawing. Diffuse mode is when your mind wanders, going for a walk and coming up with new ideas for what you are focusing on.
Try working on a hard problem and taking a break or for the night, then working on it again. You can elevate the power of the diffuse mode to make progress on difficult problems.
Starting hard is a good way to ace your test. Spend some time on the most challenging parts and then switch to the easier problems. Your brain will continue tugging on that part in the background.
The diffuse mode is great for getting the work done, while the focused mode will help with editing.
If you get into editing as you go, it will lead you to trouble getting the first draft out of your head and onto the page.
Deep learning
Learning is the connection of new neurons to each other; dendrites are like long legs that reach out and attach to the other neurons through dendritic branches, which are like toes.
Old neural connections are activated when you remember a set of information or work on a skill.
Here comes the concept of active learning and passive learning. Active learning means pushing yourself and making your brain work. Passive learning is when you scan a book or listen inattentively. This helps to build and reinforce new connections in the neuronal path.
By recall, you will evaluate how much you have gained by studying for a session and what you need to practise more. If you can’t pull it out of long-term memory and into short term memory, it will be forgotten easily.
Use self-testing. By teaching others to explain a concept in their own words.
Exercise daily
Exercise helps to increase the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). It will work as a tonic for dendrites spines; it will help to promote new connections between neurons.
Jazz up your Notes
Add some illustrations and colours to your notes to help you recall important details.
You can make it more memorable by using a blue pen. Studies have shown that blue ink on whiter paper makes the content 10% more memorable than any other colour.
This is called “hacking your brain to retain information.”
A mind-mapping concept is a thought diagram that can be used much more effectively in terms of learning than text-based notes.
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Memory Hacks
Mnemonics are functional tools you can use to remember information more effectively. Mnemonics include creating weird mental images and constructing a memory palace.
Key concepts can be learned; acronyms would be handy (like VIBGYOR for the colours of the rainbow). Repetitively quiz yourself on the key aspects of data and facts as much as you can.
If you want to achieve a goal, then your vision should be directed towards that. Keep SMART goals that are specific, measurable, ambitious, realistic, and time-bound. Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as yours.
Their behaviour and attitudes may just rub off on you. Motivation can be maintained using different techniques.
Double Speed
If you are watching a recorded video, then you can change the play speed.
Make the section as you normally would, but slightly higher than before as you watch You can still understand everything that’s being said. It keeps you more involved because it’s different from what your ears are used to.
A good night’s rest is one of the most basic ways you can improve your memory power. It gives time for the brain to form new dendrite connections between neurons. You should get enough sleep before the test or exam you are preparing for. Sleep affects your cognitive function.
Reward Yourself
Our human brain is wired for a rewarding system. It performs better when we get a good tradeoff. Every time you complete the task, give yourself some kind of treat like chocolate or candy.
In conclusion,
Use these study methods to survive your hard study stretch. Implement these new college student study hacks and increase your focus to be a grade-A student.
Study Hacks and Tips: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Do these college students’ study hacks actually work?
Study hacks may vary for every student, but with a little bit of trial and error, you can find the methods that work for you and stick with them.
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Q. Does music help in the study?
It depends on which type of music you want to listen to while studying. Study music and music for the mind – this kind of music helps you stay focused on studying, but music with lyrics can easily distract you.
Q. Can productivity be related to light?
Light helps the brain focus and gives visual clarity. Soft and natural lighting do great work for maintaining concentration.