10 Tips To Improve Communication Skills: Be Interested To Be Interesting!

Improve Communication Skills: The major problem that introverts face is the fear of getting misunderstood, but wait, are we all really good at expressing ourselves? There are moments when maybe not our words, but the tone of our voice might offend the surrounding people. We must take care of the impact our words create in the mind of listeners, here we are not emphasizing that we should always try to keep people in good humour and be subservient.

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    10 Tips to Improve Communication Skills

    Improve Communication Skills
    src: vpi working solutions

    Your intellect can indeed bestow you a lavish lifestyle and provide you with all the necessary amenities, do you think this is the sole purpose of your life? Widen your horizons and see, it’s about the hearts you win of the people who come into your life. So, let’s understand from scratch that what are the golden rules we must follow to improve our communication skills.

    1. Be a Good Listener

    One quality that is rare in most people is the ability to listen, comprehend, interpret and then take the conversation ahead. It is said that “A good listener is a good speaker.”

    When you listen to someone with full attention, your mind captures a lot of characteristics of them, you’ll notice the expressions, the choice of words, the pace at which they speak, and if any kind of actions they make to convey the meaning of their thoughts. But the most essential thing that a good listener must learn is, “What not to say?”.

    1. Maintain the Pitch/Tone of Your Voice

    Improve Communication Skills: Every day, we come across a lot of people who possess great persuasion skills. There’s a pattern that we observe in their monologues, they tend to give stress on keywords and keep changing the volume to make themselves heard. It’s a good practice when you are delivering a speech or a motivational seminar but if it’s a one-to-one conversation you should make an effort that the pitch/ tone of your voice is subtle only then people would wait to hear your opinion on a topic

    1. Have an Eye-Contact

    How a person would come to know that you are actually taking interest in his/her talk? It’s always advisable that you have eye contact with the person you are talking to.

    1. Use References from the Old Conversation

    When you use references from your old conversation, you certainly have the traits of being a keen & and attentive listener. You should always use sentences like.

    1. Hey, how are you?

    Hope your project work is over now, how was your experience?”

    1. How is your health now?

    Are you taking the prescribed medicines or preferring natural home remedies?”

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    1. Glossary of Good Words

    Improve Communication Skills: We must take care of the clarity & precision of our thoughts and be able to express them as vividly as possible. For that, cultivate a habit of reading, so you always have a glossary of words for every topic.

    1. Acknowledge the Statements

    Acknowledging the statements is again a good practice, make sure you start your sentences with-

    • “I agree with what you say…….
    • “Adding to what Mr./Ms. said….

    It will show how much involved you are in the conversation and respect the sentiments and ideas of other people.

    1. Try to Make Your Conversation Interesting

    It’s important to remain focused, but you must ensure that you take the conversation ahead with everybody’s participation. So, use anecdotes and real-life incidents to make your conversation interesting. It’s essential to hold the attention of everyone.

    1. Avoid Self-Praising

    We should never boast or flaunt our deeds, it gives a bad impression about our nature. Also, any form of flattery that is intended to persuade adds a negative point to your personality.

    1. Silence is Golden

    Sometimes people will try to suppress you and prove you wrong, even when you know that the information you have is factually correct. Silence is the best answer that you can give at that time. A winsome grin on your face would indicate your standards and mindset.

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    1. A Promising End Note

    Improve Communication Skills: Goodbyes mark the beginning of the next interaction; therefore, we must ensure that we leave an indelible imprint on the mind & hearts of people we meet. Your endnotes should be convincing, when a person meets you for the next time, he/she should feel the power of rejuvenation. So to all the uncut diamonds who read this, get ready to become a sparkling entity.