CAT Exam Preparation Tips, Books & Websites

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CAT Exam Preparation: CAT is a national level examination that is conducted by IIM Ahmedabad and Tata consulting. This test scores the candidates on the basis of Quantitative Ability (QA), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC). The CAT exam is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) every year based on a policy of rotation.

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    CAT Exam Preparation Tips

    cat exam preparation
    src: university bureau

    These are some functional tips and materials to help CAT aspirants.

    Firstly, candidates who will be willing to take up CAT exams have to understand the exam pattern and go through the syllabus properly. 

    Although there is no specific syllabus prescribed by IIM for CAT, you can understand by analyzing the previous exam paper and model paper.

    Time management is a crucial aspect of passing any exam. It becomes more valuable when you are facing exams like the CAT examination. Using time precisely should be considered as the fourth pillar for the CAT exam including planning and perseverance; smart work.

    1. Practicing the syllabus and attempting them within a 3 hours span is a stipulated time. 
    2. Restrict time duration forces a student to choose which question to leave and which one to answer so proper time management for CAT aspirants is vital.
    3. Accuracy and speed both are required to achieve the level of  satisfactory grade 
    1. Select your comfort Ares and start with that one and take yourself off the timer by solving the one with the one you can solve easily  
    2. Art of  leaving  question  will survive the exam day it is the most important tips to crack the exam 
    3. Answering the question which you are not confident in and do not know will extend to negative marking and lower your score.
    4. Recognizing the difficult level of question and investing time strategically avoid spending much time on one question: keep a maximum of 2 or 3 minutes for a question; exclude that one and move ahead.

    Save some time for revision after the completion. Revise the answer at the end of the Examination and go back to the marked question in the spare time you left with you should reserve a less period to that question if you are not sure about the answer.

    A valuable method of study is self-study. Students can direct their studying outdoors. You can control your own study and boost your self-esteem. Learners can become confident.

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    You can use various study techniques which suit you the best.

    In the book “Atomic habit” the author James Clear mentions that habits are l the atoms of life, they are small routines and practices fundamental units and they will combine our daily life.

    Having a routine fixed house for analyzing your study practice will help to keep on track. You need to be disciplined and patient in yourself.

    Productive steps to complete more in less time and keep giving mock practice exams can bring your goal closer.    

    List of easily available books section-wise for CAT Exam Preparation:-

    How to prepare for quantitative aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma

    Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha

    NCERT Mathematics books of class 6th to 10th

    How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Meenakshi Upadhyay and Arun Sharma

    The person Guide to Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Nishit Sinha

    Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis 

    The editorial section of good newspapers like him the Hindu and Economic Times

    For data interpretation and logical reasoning how to prepare for logical reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma 

    A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

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    src: dare2compete

    5 Free Websites for CAT Exam Preparation

    This website has a test series for CAT. You can find free CAT MOCK tests with all India ranking the previous paper to prepare 7 mock tests available for students here u can find functional questions.  

    Most relevant test series provided by experts. Question-based on an actual test with a similar difficulty level. They have 2 types of tests, a simple one and a challenging one with higher difficulty. They have 26 mock tests within the free model.

    They have many mock tests for various Exams including CAT. Here you can watch a demo class on topics of QA with a time limit to provide an instant scenario where you evaluate your preparation.  

    This website offers over 200 mock tests for CAT examinations by online teachers and experts. They can also cover almost every section of the actual cat test. You can experience the real scenario and the difficulty level of questions being asked in this top management test.    

    Nuances and difficulty of actual tests can be experienced here. It gives you a similar test platform to assess your skill and have an upgrade package for this CAT exam.

    CAT Exam Preparation: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Well, it completely depends upon person to person. If you really have a great IQ, are extremely good with your analytical reasoning skills, have incredibly great vocab, and have a greater grasping power, then yes, 3 months are absolutely sufficient.

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    For quantitative ability, cat level problems are enough. Coming to the verbal part in cat most of the questions are from comprehension and para jumbles. For SSC you have to focus on grammar and vocabulary. For SSC you have to prepare for general awareness.

    Yes! It is possible if you plan and prepare in advance. 2-3 hours are sufficient. 

    you can make a strategy of taking a mock on weekends and holidays.

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