Career In Artificial Intelligence (AI): List Of Courses And Growth Prospects
Career In Artificial Intelligence: One of the most expected booming career option one can start his/her success journey from. Yes, from entertainment to transportation everything is getting updated via technology. Thus, career in Artificial Intelligence invites qualified & skilled workforce to work in this field.
Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning) includes various subjects such as:-
- Robotics
- Computer Science
- Neural Network
- Physics
- Engineering
Career in Artificial Intelligence:-
AI is mimicking human learning…As it is an intelligent way to do other jobs better and faster than we humans ever could. Machine learning is a subset of AI, so sometimes when we’re describing AI, we’re actually describing machine learning, which is the process by which AI learns.
Brands such as IBM, Amazon, Microsoft, and Accenture are using & promoting career in Artificial Intelligence on the large scale with a view to create more jobs. But on the contrary part, it has been forecasted that, it will wipe out millions of jobs as well.

Eligibility –
- Bachelor’s degree in any of above mentioned fields (Computer Science, Engineering, etc.)
- One must have complete knowledge about Machine Learning
- Strong command over subjects – Computer, Math, Coding, Physics
- Good communication skills
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List of Courses (src: Forbes):-
- Learn with Google AI
- Google – Machine Learning
- Stanford University – Machine Learning
- Columbia University – Machine Learning
- Nvidia – Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- MIT – Deep Learning for Self Driving Cars
Job Prospects –
- Machine Learning Engineer
- Data Scientist
- Research Scientists
- Automotive Engineer
- AI Engineer
- Algorithm Specialists
- Aviation
- Architecture
- Robotics
- Business & Marketing
- Cyber Security
Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai said, “AI is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. I think of it as something more profound than electricity or fire.”
Forbes reported that, jobs requiring AI skills have been increasing 4.5x in the last five years.
Consumers use AI on a daily basis to find their destinations using navigation and ride-sharing apps, as smart home devices or personal assistants, or for streaming services. Businesses can use AI to assess risk and define opportunity, cut costs, and boost research and innovation.
Conclusively, it can be said that, career in Artificial Intelligence is really a smart choice for all the students seeking career in tech world.