Online Education Advantages And Disadvantages: Are We Ready?
Online Education Advantages And Disadvantages: This is a new era where the COVID-19 pandemic gave a big threat to the life of people. Nowadays everything has become quite tough on of its big threat is towards learning in this time it’s not possible for learners to go their school, university, institute, etc. But the fact is we cannot stop our learning so we introduce online learning.
What is online learning?
Online learning is a new platform of learning where we take classes on online platforms like YouTube, Google Meet, Zoom, etc. instead of physical classes. At this time online learning is the only process to continue studies. It has become a big platform for the learners and tutors as well, but everything has its positive as well as negative side so here we will discuss Continue Learning.
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Online Education Advantages and Disadvantages

Online Education Advantages
As we all know physical classrooms are not possible in this situation so online learning platforms are the only way to keep the studies going on. It helped all of us to continue the classes. Physical interaction is not possible, but still, learners and tutors can interact via online platforms
Online learning gave a new experience of learning to all the learners with this new experience we learned even in the worst conditions we have an alternate method to continue our studies even our job work as well.
As everything is online these times so everyone has better knowledge of technology, improvement in digital skills and it’s good that it helped many unemployed people to get a job via an online platform, better off towards the technical knowledge so it shows a different kind of growth.
Online Education Advantages And Disadvantages: Online learning is flexible and self-paced in nature so we can manage our studies as suitable for us there are no worries about taking lectures at the same time one can get the same thing later as well. Online lectures are good if we don’t understand something at one time so we can repeat it pause it which is very good for those learners especially those who have slow understanding.
Online learning saves our and time and money taking lectures from home instead of going to school, college, etc. saves our time of travelling now this time can be utilized for something else. Learning nowadays became very costly institutes charges very high for the course they offer to the students but the same course on the online platform is cheaper than the offline available and online platform also provides many free courses to the student learning from YouTube we can say free we abstract knowledge from there without paying for it. our society has numerous numbers of families who can not afford the high cost of offline learning but because of the online platforms, even those learners can learn the same thing for free or by paying less than offline.
We can say the online platform has the answer to the most of our question online learning gives confidence to students to get the answer of any queries and doubt in their mind instead of this in physical classrooms learners hesitates of asking questions most of the time. It has a broader network we can abstract more and more knowledge about something on the online platform.
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Online Education Disadvantages
Online learning reduced the efficiency of students, current situation is the best example of this Students take their classes for granted not sincere about their classes and studies as it is online. They get promoted to higher classes but have no knowledge of previous classes so for the future it’s not good for the learners and country as well.
We live in a society where many families can’t afford smartphones, laptops,s, etc. so for those learners online learning is not possible and many families don’t allow their girl child for having a phone and laptop for their studies even if they are able to afford so online learning is not reachable for all the learners.
During online lessons, it happens a lot having network issues, and especially in rural areas where the network comes rarely taking online classes is a tough challenge so rural areas learners lag behind due to this. Many technical problems occur sometimes online learning applications don’t work properly server down problems these technical & network issues is a big negative side of online learning.
Online Education Advantages And Disadvantages: Sometimes learners don’t get that much interest as it is in offline classrooms even they don’t know what’s going in the class they haven’t knowledge of what is taught in class.
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Online learning has numerous numbers of distractions students easily get distracted by the activities happening around them and sometimes they postpone their studies and get involved in other activities. One distraction that occurs both online and offline is social media. Social media is leading to distracting students during online classes for example students use Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.