MBA Preparation: Exam | Syllabus | Institutions | Abroad

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MBA Preparation: MBA is a 2– year professional degree course. The admissions of MBA are based on MBA entrance exams. The average fees range from 2-30 LPA. The MBA specializations include MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA Marketing, and MBA IT.

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    MBA Preparation: MBA Entrance Exams

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    Syllabus of MBA Entrance exams

    These types of questions are based on vocabulary, grammar, sentence correction, fill in the blanks, close passage, summary questions, verbal reasoning, jumbled paragraph, and facts.

    These types of questions include blood relations, syllogism, logical sequence, binary logic, Venn diagrams, seating arrangement, series, calendars, cubes, logical connections, clocks, and matrix arrangement.

    These questions are based on data interpretation, Number system, HCF, LCM, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Profit, Loss and Discount, Time, Speed, Time and Work, Simple and Compound Interest, Probability, Geometry, and Trigonometry.

    Tips for Entrance Exams

    MBA Preparation: Always study the grammar rules from high school level books. Develop a reading habit. Solve previous year’s question papers to get a deeper understanding of a topic. Watch English movies and read the newspaper to enhance your vocabulary. Solve puzzles that enhance analytical skills, speed, and accuracy. Try to minimize the calculations by using different tricks. Work hard on mental maths. Cover the complete syllabus. Use alternative methods to solve the questions which are accurate and take less time.

    Books for MBA Preparation

    Top MBA Institutions in India

    The admission is based on the scores of the CAT exam. There are two types of CAT cutoffs-  qualifying and final cutoff. Qualifying cutoffs are announced after the admission whereas final cutoffs are announced after the result.

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    Interview Round Tips for MBA Exam Preparation

    General Interview Questions

    MBA Entrance Exams Abroad

    src: northeast now

    MBA Preparation: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    A student must have scored 50% or more in graduation.

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    Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Alliance University, Amity University.

    The top recruiting multinational companies are McKinsey & Company, Citi Bank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, etc.

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