25 Countries With Highest Literacy Rate In The World
Countries with Highest Literacy Rate: According to Cambridge dictionary, ‘literacy means the ability of a person to read & write or having knowledge of a particular subject.’ Literacy rate is the total percent of population who can read and write. For example literacy rate of India is 74.04%, then it implies out of every 100 people 74 are literate. However, India is not amongst those 25 countries with highest literacy rate.
25 Countries With Highest Literacy Rate:-

25. Finland (99%)
Main features: Education is an instrument to balance out social inequality, free school meals, ease of access to health care, psychological counseling and individualized guidance.
24. Uzbekistan (99.3%)
Uzbekistan has a high literacy rate but with only 76% of the under-15 population currently enrolled in education, this figure may drop in the future.
23. Hungary (99.4%)
Most of the Hungarian universities are public institutions, and students traditionally study without fee payment. Among the countries sending most their students to Hungary are Germany, Iran, Norway, Israel and Sweden.
22. Palau (99.55%)
An island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. Popular choices among Palauan scholars include the San Diego State University, University of the Philippines, Mindanao State University, and University of the South Pacific.
21. Slovakia (99.6%)
Education in Slovakia is compulsory from age 6 – 16. Slovakia has a wide range of universities. The biggest university is Comenius University.

20. Belarus (99.7%)
Education in Belarus is free for all levels except for higher education.
Belarus counts 55 higher education institutions.
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19. Turkmenistan (99.7%)
Turkmenistan provides for free access to primary education for all children but for a mandatory schooling up to the secondary level. Their education system produces highly skilled citizens so that the country can participate in international activities or undertakings.
18. Russian Federation (99.7%)
As a result of great emphasis on science & technology in education, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and aerospace research is generally of a high order.
17. Barbados (99.7%)
Barbados’ literacy rate is ranked close to 100%. Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) is conducted for students who have completed their secondary education and wish to continue their studies.
16. Slovenia (99.7%)
Slovenia’s education ranks as the 12th best in the world. University of Ljubljana is th best ranked among several universities in Slovenia.
15. Azerbaijan (99.72%)
Azerbaijanis have obtained some form of higher education, most notably in scientific and technical subjects. According to Soviet data, 100% of males & females were literate in 1970.
14. Cuba (99.8%)
The Cuban Ministry of Higher Education operates a distance education program that provides regular afternoon and evening courses in rural areas for agricultural workers.
13. Kazakhstan (99.8%)
Education system consists of 3 phases: primary education, basic general education and senior level education.
12. Ukraine (99.8%)
Access to free education is granted to all Ukrainian citizens. Ukraine produces the 4th largest number of post-secondary graduates in Europe, while being ranked 7th in population.
11. Armenia (99.8%)
Primary and secondary education in Armenia is free. Schooling takes 12 years in Armenia which breaks down into primary (4 years), middle (5 years) and high school (3 years).