How To Become a Judge in India? Eligibility And Job Profiles

Become a Judge in India: The present era of globalization and liberalization introduces law as a career, gaining a lot of momentum. Judges are the impartial decision-makers in the pursuit of justice and they rule on questions/cases of law, act as a referee between the litigating parties and renders decisions in legal disputes.

Characteristics of a Judge:-

  • A Judge presides over court proceedings, either alone or with a panel of judges or may be a jury.
  • A Judge holds administrative powers & is responsible for handling various criminal cases, federal cases, constitutional cases and high priority cases.
  • He is expected to hear all present-witnesses, view all available evidences, access the arguments and conclude by forming an opinion and giving a verdict.

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Eligibility to become a Judge in India:-

become a judge in india
src: Indiaspend
  • Candidate must hold a legal degree from a recognized university/institution.
  • He must have enrolled as an advocate with membership in the state bar council.
  • Age limit may vary from state to state.

To become a Judge in India, a student has to qualify for the Judicial Service Examination conducted by Public Service Commission (PSCs) of the respective states. This is an entry-level exam for law graduates to become members of the subordinate judiciary.

Judicial Service Examination is held in three-successive stages namely Preliminary Examination, Mains Examination and Viva-Voce/Interview.

Minimum qualifying marks in the preliminary examination – 60% (General) & 55% (reserved categories). Only those students who have obtained 40% marks in each written paper and 50% marks in aggregate (except in the case of candidates belonging to reserved categories) shall be called for the viva-voce test. Marks obtained in the viva-voce will be added to the marks obtained in the Main Examination (Written) and the candidate’s position will depend on the aggregate of both.

become a judge in india
src: India Today

Eligibility for Judicial Service Examination to be qualified to become a judge in India:

Lower Judiciary Services – A degree in LL.B and one has enrolled or qualified to be enrolled as an advocate under the Advocates’ Act, 1961. The age limit varies according to the state (usually between 21 to 35 years).

NOTE: No experience is required and final year students can also appear.

Higher Judiciary Services – Candidates must be graduates in law and have a minimum number of years of litigating practice (usually 7 years) to become a judge in India.

Only those candidates who have qualified in the Judicial Service Examination are eligible to become a judge in India.

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States conducting Judicial Services Examination to become a judge in India :-

  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Himachal Pradesh
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Punjab
  • Assam
  • Haryana
  • Maharashtra
  • Rajasthan
  • Bihar
  • Jammu & Kashmir
  • Manipur
  • Sikkim
  • Chhattisgarh
  • Mizoram
  • Jharkhand
  • Uttarakhand
  • Goa
  • Karnataka
  • Delhi
  • Nagaland
  • Kerala
  • Odisha
  • West Bengal

Above mentioned states in India conducts JSE which needs to be qualified by an individual to become a judge in India.

Appointment of Judges:-

The Constitution of India is endowed with a three-tier judicial system, involving the Supreme Court of India, The High Courts in the States and the Subordinate Courts.

Supreme Court –

  • A person must be a citizen of India.
  • Have been a Judge of a high court for at least five years or two or more such courts in succession, or
  • An advocate of a high court or of two or more such courts in succession for at least 10 years, or 
  • Be a distinguished jurist, in the opinion of the president of India.

AVERAGE SALARY – Rs.2,50,000 p.m. + Other allowances

High Court –

  • One should have held a Judicial Office in India for 10 years, or
  • Has experience of 10 years practice, as an advocate in a High Court, or of two or more such courts in succession to become a judge in India.

AVERAGE SALARY – Rs.2,25,000 p.m. + Other allowances

District Court –

  • A person is appointed by the Governor after consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court.
  • Minimum 7 years of practice as an advocate/pleader to become a judge in India.

AVERAGE SALARY – Rs.50,000 p.m. + Perks like house, phone & Internet bill, vehicle (for official purpose).

Job Profiles:-

Judges may be designated according to the level of court in the judicial hierarchy as Supreme Court Judge > High Court Judge > District Court Judge.

become a judge in india

Concept of Magistrates/Munsiff –

The terms ‘Judge’ and ‘Magistrate’ are often confused and are generally believed to be the same person. But, both the terms have different meanings and refer to two-very different positions and power.

  • Magistrates are appointed by Central or State Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of the concerned State.
  • Magistrate, who is considered as an officer of the state, is responsible for handling smaller or minor cases.
  • Magistrates are appointed in Magistrate Courts by the Judge and have limited powers in terms of authority, law enforcement and jurisdiction. 

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Become a Judge in India FAQs (Quora):-

  • How the judges of Indian courts are be appointed?
  • Who is the youngest high-court judge in India?
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