Abroad Advantages vs Disadvantages: Make A Smart Move!

src: tribune india

Abroad Advantages vs Disadvantages: Studying abroad is much more than just education. It is a wholesome experience! Earning an international degree is not only about expanding one’s career and personal horizons. It also can be a life-changing chance for students. It is no wonder that the number of students earning a degree outside of their home countries has tripled over the past 25 years. And so, there are a lot of scholarships offered to students studying abroad.

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    List of Abroad Advantages vs Disadvantages

    Abroad Advantages vs Disadvantages


    1. Studying abroad broadens one’s horizons. It makes one look at things from different points of view, which turns one into a more open-minded person.
    2. If one studies abroad in a country where they don’t speak one’s native language, he/she will have an excellent opportunity to learn other languages.
    3. It shall make it easier for one to get a job since employers will know that one is a very adapted person who is open to different cultures and different points of view. It also suggests that he/she has the ability to be independent and likely possess valuable language skills.
    4. Studying abroad makes it easier for one to receive the best possible teaching in one’s chosen field of study. This is because one can apply to study at the leading institutions in the world.
    5. Moving abroad to study forces one to be non-reliant on anybody. This gives one the opportunity to become a more confident person.
    6. One will meet lots of other international students and have a taste of the diversity the world holds. One will hopefully create contacts and friends for life.
    7. Foreign education provides a student with a range of courses to choose from. This makes studying abroad all the more alluring.
    8. Abroad Advantages vs Disadvantages: Studying in a new country exposes one to increased career opportunities. Oftentimes, organizations hiring international employees want to see evidence that candidates can thrive in a global environment. Studying abroad, especially in an area of interest, gives one the chance to showcase key skills like cross-cultural communication and an understanding of international policy.
    9. Studying abroad allows one to see the world and travel to new places one would otherwise not have visited. It not only gives one a golden opportunity to explore the country/city but also gives a chance to travel to neighboring states and nations.

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    1. One can become intensely homesick. It would be very tough to study in a place that is miles away from home and in a country that is vastly different. Being halfway around the world will also make it more difficult to go home for the holidays or for the weekend.
    2. Most of the time, the tuition fees are higher for international students. In addition, one will have to factor in considerable moving and traveling costs when one chooses to study abroad.
    3. While studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to learn a new language, one may initially have some problems with language barriers. It is also possible that one could come up against cultural barriers to do with religion, gender roles, or communication differences.
    4. One may find himself/herself jolted by the sudden shift in culture. Everything from food and religious practices to transportation systems and style of dressing may differ from those in one’s home country. Unfortunately, this culture shock can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and homesickness.

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