7 Tips To Crack An Interview And Commonly Asked Questions
7 Tips to Crack an Interview: There are two persons involved in an interview session…One is Interviewer, who conducts the session by asking questions. Other is the Interviewee, a person who is interviewed. Now, before talking about those 7 tips to crack an interview, we must know about types of interview to better understand the topic.
Types of Interview:-
- Formal/Informal Interview
- Telephone Screening Interview
- Behavioral Interview
- Face-to-Face Interview
- Group Interview
- Other
7 Tips To Crack An Interview:-

- Know Yourself First
The most important tip and the same time, the least bothered! If you really need to crack an interview then know your:
a) Goals b) Skills c) Strengths d) Weaknesses
- Research the Organization/Company
Seek appropriate information of the organization/company you’re going to work at. Visit their official website, try looking for reviews of other people, press release, and most importantly, know about company’s goals.
- Seek Mutual Benefits
This tip can also be applied before going for an interview session as, if you do not feel strong about company’s mission/vision, there is no need to know about 7 tips to crack an interview. But, otherwise, if you still want to clear that session…Connect your goals & requirements with that of company’s.
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- Possess Good Communication Skills
It is an art to understand the questions first, and then answer. Listening makes all the impact. Speak wholeheartedly but, deliver appropriate words. Never make assumptions! Instead try to bring relevant suggestions to the table, even if you don’t know about the topic.
- Carry Some Essentials
a) Resume/CV (3-4 copies at least) b) Notepad and Pen c) Certificates (if any) d) Handkerchief e) Safety Pin f) Folder/Bag g) Watch h) Smartphone i) Extra Shirt
- Pay Attention to Little Things
Your posture, waiting room behaviors, facial expressions, be aware of nervous gestures such as foot-tapping and nails biting. Always seek interviewer’s permission before entering the room by saying “May I come in Sir/Madam?” and greet them with appropriate salutation.
- Wear Confidence
That’s an interesting tip! Here are some suggestions:-
a) Wear ironed & clean clothes (formals or business casuals) and that too, properly stitched.
b) Revise your concepts, 5-6 hours, prior to interview session.
c) Firm handshake and a subtle smile make all the difference.
d) Reach the venue before time.
e) Proper eye contact is must while talking.
f) React according to the topic, sometimes cool minded, emotional, calm, funny, serious.
g) Practice other 6 tips mentioned above.
Commonly Asked Questions –
- Why do you want this job?
- Why are you suitable for this job?
- What relevant experience do you have?
- Why are you interested in working for this company?
- What can you contribute to this company?
- What do you know about this company?
- What challenges are you looking for in a position?
- Why do you want to work for this company?
- Why should we hire you?
- What are your salary requirements?